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Arcane Equipment

Arcane Equipment

Arcane Equipments (Arcane Symbols) can be obtained as you progress through the Arcane River.
The deeper you explore the Arcane River, the more Arcane Equipment slot you unlock.
You can than equip Arcane Symbols, which boosts a character's main stats and Arcane Force.

Note: Arcane Symbols do not have additional options and potential.

Content Shortcuts

1. Arcane Equipment UI
2. Obtaining Arcane Symbols
3. Enhancing Arcane Symbols
4. Transferring Arcane Symbols
5. Arcane Force Hunting Areas

Arcane Equipment UI


  • Upon completion of the quest 5th Job: Record of Powers, Awakening of Powers, you’ll unlock Arcane Equipment slots.
  • The Arcane Equipment UI can be accessed via the Equipment inventory, the ARCANE Button located on the bottom right.
  • The same type of Arcane Symbol cannot be stacked and equipped at the same time.

    Obtaining Arcane Symbols


  • Arcane Symbol can be obtained through initial story quests on the 6 main areas of Arcane River (Road to Extinction to Esfera)
  • Additional Arcane Symbols which are used for enhancement, can be obtained via Daily Quest and Special Contents of Arcane River.
  • The deeper you explore and unlock the story quests in Arcane River, previous areas Daily Quest and Special Contents will be reduced.
  • These are the list of contents and daily quests that you can complete to obtain more Arcane Symbols.
       ➢ Road to Extinction: Daily Quest, Erda’s Spectrum Special Content
       ➢ Chew Chew Island: Daily Quest, Hungry Muto Special Content
       ➢ Dream City Lacheln: Daily Quest, Dream Breaker Special Content
       ➢ Mystical Forest Arcana: Daily Quest, Spirit Savior Special Content
       ➢ Swamp of Memories, Moras: Daily Quest, Enheim Defense Special Content
       ➢ Sea of Beginnings, Esfera: Daily Quest, Protect Esfera Special Content

    Enhancing Arcane Symbols


  • You can add growth to an Arcane Symbol by double clicking the Arcane Symbol of the same type that you’re wearing. It will add growth EXP to each of the Arcane Symbols.
  • Enhancement will only occur as long as the Arcane Symbol is already worn.
  • As you enhance the level of Arcane Symbols, the stats and the amount of Arcane Force grows.
  • Arcane Symbol enhancement can go up to Level 20.

    Tip: You can use a Seal Lock to prevent accidental dropping of Arcane Symbols.

    Transferring Arcane Symbols


    You can transfer Arcane Symbols between characters of the same world by using Arcane Catalyst, obtainable from the Union Coin Shop.



  • Use the Arcane Catalyst on an Arcane Symbol, and you can transfer an Unstable Arcane Symbol to another character on the same world.
  • You’ll lose 20% of the Arcane Symbol used so far, and it will reset to Level 1 and must be enhanced again.
  • Unstable Arcane Symbol cannot be reverted to Arcane Symbol if the character has not cleared the initial questlines in Arcane River. (E.g. Have not completed Moras Questline to obtain Arcane Symbol: Moras, you cannot use Unstable Arcane Symbol: Moras)
  • When reverting Arcane Symbols, thel stats will be adjusted according to the corresponding class stats. (E.g Bowman class uses DEX, will convert to DEX)

    Arcane Force Hunting Areas


  • Across the Arcane River, the Arcane Force is important as monsters are protected by the mysterious forces of them.
  • Depending on the area, the amount of Arcane Force required to deal normal damage to the monster varies.


  • Exceed the field’s Arcane Force by a certain percentage and you’ll be able to deal bonus damage to the field monster.