08 Jul 2024
[Updated 30/7] DREAMER World Leap Notes (v234)

My time has come...
Duration: 10th July 2024, (After v234 Patch) ~ 20th August 2024, 2359hrs
Developer Notes
It's been a while since our last World Leap event, so we've taken it a step further by launching an unrestricted, world-wide Leap event. This allows you to move characters without any limitations to your desired World. Each world in our service has its unique characteristics, and we hope this World Leap event will enable you to move to your favorite world and enhance your MapleStory experience.
It's been a while since our last World Leap event, so we've taken it a step further by launching an unrestricted, world-wide Leap event. This allows you to move characters without any limitations to your desired World. Each world in our service has its unique characteristics, and we hope this World Leap event will enable you to move to your favorite world and enhance your MapleStory experience.
Event Mechanics

Locate NPC Mr.Move-it in Henesys and talk to him in-game. You will then be able to select your destination world.
Before moving your character to a new world, please read the information listed on this page in full and very carefully.
Please note that this cannot be undone once you have moved worlds. Please read the information provided by NPC Mr.Move-it, and the information on this page carefully before proceeding.
World Leap Process
General Information |
(E.g. Your 1st character is World Leaped from Aquila to Bootes World. From now on, you can only transfer characters from Aquila to Bootes within the MapleID) |
World Leap Restrictions |
Details |
Can Be Moved |
Cannot Be Moved |
Avatar |
Hair Face Skin Beauty Room |
Character Data |
In-Game Name Gender Level STR/DEX/INT/LUK Job HP/MP Ability Point Skill Point Hyper Stats Fame Mesos Profession System (Fatigue inclusive) Item Cooldown Time Soul Collection V Matrix HEXA Matrix Arcane Symbol Authentic Symbol Mount Damage Skin |
Character Possessions |
Inventory Items Equipment Inventory Slot Expansion Item Bags Item Potential Bits Inventory V Matrix Core Gemstones HEXA Matrix Data Android |
Items/Mesos Registered for Transaction |
Character Skill Data |
Skills (Cooldown time inclusive) Phantom's Impeccable Memory |
Link skill data |
Quest Data |
Quest In Progress Completed Quests |
Additional Data |
Inner Ability Mini Game Stats NPC Shop Purchase Limits Chat Messaging Affinity Chat Emoticons Honor EXP Hyper Teleport Rock Data Macro and Preset Settings Book of Explorer Gifted Cash Items Fairy Bros Daily Gift History MVP Rank EXP Buff Effect |
Guild Guild Castle Maple Union Monster Collection Notes My Home Meso Market Storage Marriage Couple Ring and Friendship Ring Auction House Cash Shop Wishlist Cash Shop "My Appearance" Cash Wardrobe/Inventory/Storage |
Additional Information (QnA) - Updated 10th July 2024, 1030hrs
1. Can I claim Monster Life Removal Compensation in any World?
A: Yes, Monster Life Removal Compensation can be claimed in any World.
2. Why My Home content cannot be moved together with World Leap even though My Home content is not started in the destination World.
A: Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, the My Home content progression cannot be moved together with World Leap.
3. Should I complete Union Artifact Special Mission in my current World before performing World Leap to another World?
A: Union Artifact Special Mission that are already completed can be complete after performing World Leap.
4. Does Lacheln in a Dream related daily/weekly attendance reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, events such as Midnight Party attendance, will not reset.
5. Does weekly boss clear status reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, weekly boss clear status will not reset.
6. Does boss prequest, Arcane River story quest and Grandis story quest reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, character's quest completion status will be maintained.
7. Should I claim rewards from Lacheln in a Dream event before performing World Leap?
A: All unlocked rewards will be carried forward to the destination World.
8. Does Maple Union Rank reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, the total Maple Union Level will be retabulated based on the destination World. Please note that you will still require Union Coins to rank up the Maple Union Tier in your destination world.
9. Does Hyper Burning character keep the Hyper Burning effects after performing World Leap?
A: Yes, Hyper Burning character will maintain the Hyper Burning effects.
10. Can I talk to NPC Terry after performing World Leap?
A: Yes, any unclaimed 19th Anniversary Fantary Dreamland Rewards can be received by talking to NPC Terry.
11. Does expanded Storage carried forward to the destination World after World Leap?
A: No, the expanded Storage space cannot be moved together with World Leap.
12. Can I defeat a boss(es) in current World then receive Night Fragments in destination World after performing World Leap?
A: No, you will not be able to receive Night Fragment in the destination World even though the boss has been defeated in the previous World.
13. Can I perform World Leap on a character that has a pending approval from joining a Guild?
A: No, if the character is currently pending for approval to join a Guild, the character cannot participate in World Leap.
14. Does Monster Park Daily Medal challenge reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, the current progress will be carried forward.
15. Does the character's The Seed Points reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, the character's The Seed Points will be maintained.
16. Does the character's Mu Lung Dojo Points reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, the character's Mu Lung Dojo Points will be maintained.
17. Does Maple Achievements earned by the character reset after performing World Leap?
A: No, earned Maple Achievements will be maintained.
Leap Leap Hurrayy!!
P.S: Please read carefully before leaping, okay?
DREAMER Patch Notes (v234)
DREAMER Event Notes (v234)
DREAMER Burning Highlight Notes (v232-234)
~~~ End of v234 DREAMER World Leap Notes (v234) ~~~