24 May 2022
[Updated] Destiny Update Patch Notes (v214)
A Better Maple for everyone.
1. Boss Improvements
1.1. New Boss Difficulty
1.2. Easing of Boss Entry Restrictions and System Improvements
1.3. Black Mage Practice Mode
1.4. Boss Accessory Set Revamp
1.5. Boss Crystals
2. Maple Guide Remastered
3. A Better Maple
4. Zero Class Creation Open
5. Deletion of Mastery Book
6. Additional Fixes and Updates Updated on 27th May 2022
Boss Improvements
Improvements is the new norm!
New Boss Difficulty
Will's Easy Mode has been added, with a recommendation of 560 Arcane Force. It's difficulty stands between Lucid (Easy) and Lucid (Normal)
Heretic Hilla's Normal Mode has been added, with a recommendation of 900 Arcane Force. It's difficulty stands between Will (Hard) and Divine King Slime (Chaos).
Chosen Serene's Normal Mode has been added, with a recommendation of 150/200 Authentic Force (Phase 1/2). It's difficulty stands between Djunkel (Hard) and Black Mage (Hard).
New difficulty boss related mileage quests are added.
➢ [Mileage] Easy Will for Wealth and Honor!
➢ [Mileage] Normal Heretic Hilla for Wealth and Honor!
➢ [Mileage] Normal Annihilation for Wealth and Honor!
New difficulty boss related achievements are added.
➢ [Will] Even if you are tied to a spider's web, you'll survive if you pull yourself together.
➢ [Will] I also started collecting spiders.
➢ [Will] Slay the Spider
➢ [Will] Just a pinky finger for small spiders
➢ [Heretic Hilla] How different is your soul?
➢ [Heretic Hilla] Before this candle goes out.
➢ [Heretic Hilla] The tough affair ends here.
➢ [Heretic Hilla] I think I'm completely ready as well.
➢ [Serene] Serene, this isn't personal.
➢ [Chosen Serene] Ha-am~ Are you getting bored?
➢ [Chosen Serene] It was said that the flame of the sun does not really forget its enemies.
➢ [Chosen Serene] Sun, please sleep.
Easing of Boss Entry Restrictions and System Improvements
Characters in the same world who have completed the boss pre-requisite quests, can now bring their other characters in the same world can enter to the boss without clearing the pre-requisite quests.
➢ [Omega Sector] Seventh Member
➢ [Papulatus] Troublesome Papulatus
➢ [Lion King's Castle] Knight's Magic Scroll
➢ [Arkarium] Last Report
➢ [Pink Bean] Ward
➢ [Knight Stronghold] Alex's Promise
➢ [Easy Magnus] Mock Battle Against Magnus
➢ Nova Troubles Questline
➢ [Slime Paradise] Who really is the cutest?
Boss pre-requisite quests can still be completed normally by each individual characters.
The daily entry limit of 1 has been removed for the following bosses. You can now re-enter them after a 30 minutes re-entry cooldown.
➢ Zakum (Easy/Normal)
➢ Papulatus (Easy/Normal)
➢ Hilla (Normal)
➢ Horntail (Easy/Normal/Chaos)
➢ Von Leon (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Arkarium (Easy/Normal)
➢ Kawoong (Normal)
➢ Pink Bean (Normal/Chaos)
The daily entry limit has been increased from 1 to 3 for the following bosses. The existing 30 minutes re-entry cooldown will be maintained.
➢ Lotus (Hard)
➢ Damien (Hard)
➢ Divine King Slime (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Will (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Dusk (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Djunkel (Normal/Hard)
➢ Heretic Hilla (Normal/Hard)
➢ Chosen Serene (Normal/Hard)
The daily entry limit has been increased from 1 to 3 for the following bosses. There will be a 60 minutes re-entry cooldown per entry.
➢ Black Mage (Hard)
When entering Heretic Hilla, you will now enter the boss map without going through the Labyrinth of Suffering maze.
The number of NPC/gathering key inputs required to recover the soul stolen from Heretic Hilla's Soul Altar is changed according to the number of party members.
➢ 1 Player : 10 Times
➢ 2 Players : 15 Times
➢ 3 Players : 20 Times
➢ 4 Players : 25 Times
➢ 5 Players or more : 30 Times
Item acquisition pop-up will be displayed for items that are relatively difficult to get. (E.g. Loose Control Machine Mark, Black Heart)
The 3 types of fragment that fall from the sky that appears in Dusk (Normal, Chaos) is improved to distinguish the different types of abnormal status effects.
The height of the safe zone is adjusted so that the character does not get hit even if the character does not lie down in the Chosen Serene Phase 2 Mithra's power pattern.
Black Mage Practice Mode
Black Mage practice mode has been added.
Please note that attempting the practice mode will contribute to the limit of 20 practice attempts per day, regardless of the boss monster type.
No EXP or Rewards will be provided.
Shard of Fate (ETC) will NOT be used upon entry to Practice Mode.
Boss Accessory Set Revamp
]Boss of Dawn Set added!
Obtain them from existing bosses, even on Normal Mode!
[Face Accessory] Penombre Mark
➢ Lucid (Normal/Hard)
➢ Will (Normal/Hard)
[Earring] Estella Earrings
➢ Dusk (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Djunkel (Normal/Hard)
[Ring] Divine King Ring of Dawn
➢ Use the Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll on the Divine King Ring, obtained from Divine King Slime (Normal/Chaos).
[Pendant] Daybreak Pendant
➢ Heretic Hilla (Normal/Hard)
➢ Chosen Serene (Normal/Hard)
New Accessory-related achievements are added.
[Will, Lucid] Twilight Mark, You're Mine!
[Dusk, Djunkel] Estella earrings, You're Mine!
[Heretic Hilla, Serene] Daybreak Pendant, You're Mine!
]Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll Related
Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll has been added, which allows you to exclude the Divine King Ring from the Boss Accessory Set and change it to be included in the Boss of Dawn Set.
Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll can only be used for Divine King Ring, and when used, it will be changed to ‘Divine King Ring of Dawn’ and included in the Boss Set of Dawn.
Upon conversion of the Divine King Ring, it will no longer be included in the Boss Accessory Set.
The Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll can be purchased by paying 10 million mesos by completing the quest [Slime Paradise] Divine King Ring of Dawn through the NPC Chief Slime at Slime Paradise.
The Divine King Ring of Dawn Conversion Scroll can be used for 14 days after purchase and is paid in a non-exchangeable state.
If the trace of the Divine King Ring and the trace of the Divine King Ring of Dawn is transferred to the Divine King Ring, the use of the Set Conversion Scroll will be applied in the same way as the traced equipment.
When the Divine King Ring and the Divine King Ring of Dawn are fused, the unconverted Divine King Ring will be paid as a result regardless of whether the set of each material item used is converted or not.
The [Slime Paradise] Divine King Ring of Dawn quest can be performed repeatedly.
Boss of Darkness Set is reorganized.
6th Set Effects has been modified to provide additional Ignore Monster DEF +10%, with newly added 8th/9th Set Effects.
Boss Crystals
All Glowing Soul Crystal prices will continue to be adjusted throughout the Destiny Update.
Maple Guide Remastered
Gitgud Guide
The recommended quests/recommended hunting grounds for each level provided in the Guide will be modified to be more appropriate.
The amount of experience paid for some recommended quests is increased, the number of monsters to be defeated, and the number of items to be collected decrease, so the overall quest execution time is reduced.
Areas that can be moved by fast movement have been greatly expanded, and the [Quick Move: Transfer Guide] function has been added to make it easier to move to frequently used areas.
A 30-second cooldown is applied when using fast movement.
When certain conditions are met, the following rewards are provided only once per world.
A Better Maple
Always be better than your current self!
Character's Growth Related Improvements
The cumulative EXP required for Level 250-259 has been reduced by 16%.
The EXP rewards obtained from Frito's bounty hunting has been increased.
When an Elite Boss is defeated, the bonus stage is deleted, and Experience Marbles will be dropped as rewards.
Monster Park's Sunday of Growth Box will no longer reward 1.5x EXP Coupons, and is replaced with 2x EXP Coupons. This change will be reflected on the Saturday of Festival Box as well.
Maple Union's Unit Combat Power growth has been improved.
➢ The Combat Power has been increased for every 10 levels from Level 250 or higher.
➢ The Combat Power has been increased for character's having 380 /400 Star Force or higher respectively.
Symbol equipment system has been improved.
➢ The meso cost to enhance Arcane Symbols has been reduced.
➢ Demon Avenger and Xenon characters Arcane/Authentic Symbol stats has been increased.
30% All Stats Scroll option has been added to the Equipment Enhancement (Spell Trace) system.
Quest Related Improvements
Story skip function has been added for Arcane River / Grandis regions in the same world.
➢ If there is at least one character in the world who has finished watching all the story quests, other characters who perform the quest can skip the story.
➢ If you skip the quest, you can enjoy a summary of the story in the area.
➢ If you skip the quest, all related quests will be completed and item rewards will be provided. However, experience points are not awarded.
➢ Whether to skip the preceding quests can be selected from the first preceding quest in each region. However, the character who has completed the first quest and started the story quest cannot choose whether to skip it.
➢ Road to Extinction
➢ Reverse City
➢ Chew Chew Island
➢ Yum Yum Island
➢ Lacheln
➢ Arcana
➢ Moras
➢ Esfera
➢ Celestars
➢ Moonbridge
➢ Labyrinth of Suffering
➢ Limen
➢ Cernium
➢ Fallen Cernium
➢ Hotel Arcs
The 5th Job Advancement quests has been improved.
➢ You will be able to change jobs without completing the quest to prepare for a new power.
➢ The conditions for completing Masteria's Arcane Stone quest have been changed.
➢ Instead of finding the Horizon Portal, you just have to kill all the monsters and pass the Goddess's Test.
➢ Another Power: Arcane Force quest completion conditions have been changed. It can be completed by killing only 1 Joyful Erdas.
➢ Arcane Symbol obtained from Another Power: Arcane Force quest, will now give 40 Arcane Force.
➢ Upon completion of Road to Extinction questlines, Arcane Symbol: Road to Extinction will be given at the state of Level 2, providing a base stat of 40 Arcane Force.
Chew Chew Island and Lacheln starting quests has been improved. Autostart quests have been added to make it easier to start quests in the area. If you have already completed the Chew Chew Island and Lacheln quests, this change does not affect you.
UI Improvements and System Updates
Link Skill preset function has been added.
➢ 3 presets are provided, and you can set the desired link skill among the link skills you have in each preset.
➢ You can apply all presets by clicking the Apply button after selecting the desired preset. The total transfer cost is determined according to the number of transfers remaining for each link skill to be transferred, and skills with a remaining transfer count of 0 cannot be transferred.
➢ When a preset is applied, link skills that are not included in the preset among the currently applied skills are released.
Hotkey Settings preset function has been added.
➢ Up to 3 presets can be saved, and you can set and apply a desired shortcut key to each preset.
➢ Key Settings 1-3 hotkeys has been added.
The cooldown time end notification function is added, and the remaining cooldown time display of the quick slot is improved.
➢ If a skill with a cooldown time is registered in the notification of the skill window, the skill's available notification effect will occur when the cooldown time elapses.
➢ You can register up to 6 skills in the notification.
➢ When the cooldown of a skill registered in the quick slot is less than 60 seconds, the remaining time display is improved to be more visible.
When you have an emote item and enter a keyword related to each item in the chat window, it is improved so that the expression is automatically applied.
➢ “Wow”
➢ “Slow”, “Huh”
➢ “Kyao”, “Kya”, “Excited”, “>_<”
➢ “Kiss”, “side”, “kiss”
➢ “wink”, “frown”, “seduce”
➢ “Tears”, “It hurts”
➢ “Chorong”, “Wow”, “Wow”, “Awesome”
➢ “Roaring”, “Anger”, “Explosion”, “Growl”
➢ “Glitter”, “Oh-ho”, “+_+”
➢ “Byong”, “Heart” “Love”
➢ “Hooha”, “Fear”, “Tulleol”
➢ “Hmm”, “Hmm”, “-_-”
➢ “Nude”, “Drowsy”, “Sleep”, “Cool”
➢ “Hot”, “Fire”, “Art”, “Spicy”
The Save Damage Skin Slot has been increased from 48 to 60 slots.
It is improved so that you can select the last character by moving the selection cursor to the left on the first character on the character creation screen. Similarly, moving the selection cursor to the right on the last character will improve the ability to select the first character.
When connecting to the game, if you are wearing a pendant item in an expired pendant slot, it is improved so that a message is displayed in the chat window.
The Cash Shop interface has been improved.
➢ Font is changed to improve readability.
➢ White and black backgrounds are added to the Cash Shop preview.
➢ It is improved so that you can preview the character by double-clicking the hair coupon among the Masterpiece Rewards in the Cash Shop.
Friend connection notification is improved. When a friend logs in, the name of the character and the nickname of the friend's memo are displayed together, making it easier to identify who they are.
In the Trade window, when you enter the amount of mesos, it is improved so that billions/million units are displayed.
When enhancing V Matrix Cores, it is improved so that all enhancement materials can be selected at once.
Release Lock function is added to Monster Life. You can use the release lock feature to prevent accidental release of monsters.
If the equipment cannot be replaced due to insufficient inventory slots, a notification message is added.
The navigation function of the quest window is improved so that it can be used even when the world map window is open.
Even if the pet is dismounted, the automatic pet buff skill set in the equipment window is modified to remain inactive.
Chat shortcuts are added. You can use frequently used messages by registering them as shortcut keys or commands.
It is improved so that when selling items at an auction, you can use the Tab key to move the price and number per unit input window, and use the Enter key to register for sale.
Maple World General Store will be improved to include bundles of arrows, throwing stars, bullets, and Reverse Appearance Coupon.
➢ A new recovery potion item, Sprout Potion is added. Sprout potion can be purchased at all general stores in Maple World.
You can now use the Maple Union function in Sharenian's Sewers: Sewer Entrance.
Zero Class Creation Open
The Destiny of Zero~

For a limited time, Maplers can create their very own Zero Class and fulfill their very own Destiny!
Zero Class Creation will only be open till 2nd August 2022, 2359hrs.
Deletion of Mastery Books
You fulfilled your Destiny, and reached the pinnacle~

After the Destiny Update, the usage of Mastery Book is obsolete as 4th Job Advancement skill mastery no longer requires them.
Depending on the type of Mastery Books and where you have obtained them, you can sell them to NPC Shops for Mesos or exchange them for Spell Traces.
➢ Dual Blade Training Book: Sell to NPC Shops for 50,000 Mesos.
➢ Mastery Book 20 (Tradable): Sell to NPC Shops for 1,500,000 Mesos.
➢ Mastery Book 30 (Tradable): Sell to NPC Shops for 2,500,000 Mesos.
➢ Mystery Special Mastery Book: Sell to NPC Shops for 2,500,000 Mesos.
➢ Andy's Mastery Book: Sell to NPC Shops for 2,500,000 Mesos.
➢ Silent Crusade Mastery Book: Sell to NPC Shops for 2,500,000 Mesos.
➢ Mastery Book 20 (Untradable): Click to exchange for 200 Spell Traces.
➢ Mastery Book 30 (Untradable): Click to exchange for 400 Spell Traces.
➢ Mastery Box: Click to exchange for 500 Spell Traces.
➢ Luden's Mastery Book: Click to exchange for 600 Spell Traces.
Existing Rewards that provided Mastery Books has been replaced or removed.
➢ Fairy Bros' Daily Gift Day 8 reward has been replaced with Spell Traces x1000.
➢ Silent Crusade Chapter 3 Final Rewards will be replaced with Spell Traces x300.
➢ Mastery Boxes rewards has been removed from theme dungeon quests, as well as from miscellaneous contents.
Additional Fixes and Updates
Monster Fixes and Updates
The phenomenon where the attack range and effect of Pink Bean (Chaos) was different after the second resurrection has been fixed.
Divine King Slime (Normal, Chaos) is modified to be considered as a "Clear" when the boss last phase is killed, not after the Slime's Treasure Box is defeated.
Black Mage (Hard) is modified to be considered as a "clear" when the boss last phase is killed, not after the Egg of the Beginning is defeated.
If a phase shift occurs in Chosen Serene (Hard) Phase 2, the phenomenon that the buff freezer cannot protect the buff has been fixed.
The phenomenon where character death sound effect is heard once more upon resurrection after death in certain boss monster fields has been fixed.
When revived on the 40th Floor of Undersea Tower "The Seed", it is changed to be resurrected immediately at the same time instead of reloading the map, and the intermittent issues of Scarecrow teleporting is being cancelled when using it has been fixed.
Item Fixes and Updates
The issue where you could sit on a multi-chair while on Giant Potion effect has been fixed.
The occurrence of weird icon when dragging certain Transformation Potion/Buff has been fixed.
When using Drop Rate increasing buff, the phenomenon where you could exceed 100% of the drop rate limit through buff items has been fixed. This affects the following items.
➢ Kota Kinabalu Chair Buff (Buff where you receive after 30 minutes of sitting down)
➢ Meaning of Forsythia (Buff Item)
➢ Lucky Winter (Buff Item)
➢ 2x Drop Rate Coupons
➢ Union's Luck 1~3 Coupons
Map Fixes and Updates
The phenomenon where "Confusion" effect is still applied on The SEED Lobby after dying on the 3rd section of Undersea Tower 43F has been fixed.
The phenomenon where the Rune of Recovery cannot be used more than twice in Ghost Park has been fixed.
In the boss map, the issue where the boss portal and Android Shop cannot be used subsequently if you die while using the Android Merchant shop, and when you close the Android Merchant shop before resurrecting, has been fixed.
The issue where you will be teleported to Limen: The World's Tear after changing channels or using the Cash Shop in Limen: The World's Tear 2 has been fixed.
The phenomenon where map marks in some areas are displayed awkwardly has been fixed.
➢ Reverse City
➢ Ristonia
➢ Yum Yum Island
➢ Celestars
➢ Cernium
➢ Seatropolis
➢ Hotel Arcs
➢ Slime Paradise
To Destiny Update Event Notes (v214)
To Destiny: Job Balancing (v214)
To Destiny: Explorer Remastered (v214)
Destiny to A Better Maple!