10 Nov 2020
AWAKE Event Notes (v199)
Dear Maplers,
Fuyoh~ Mapler Karate kid! (jk) But what we’re not kidding about are the awesome AWAKE events coming to town! Unleash the secret behind Mu Lung’s training and spiritual tranquility with AWAKE Events!
Master inner peace and become your own sifu~

1. Zen Free Job Transfer Event2. Union Arena
3. AWAKE Tera Burning+ Season 1
4. AWAKE Mountain
↪ 4.1 AWAKE Secret Text Book
↪ 4.2 AWAKE Free Training Ground
↪ 4.3 AWAKE Coin Shop
↪ 4.4 AWAKE Decorative Shop
↪ 4.5 AWAKE Meso Shop
↪ 4.6 AWAKE Bamboo Shop
↪ 4.7 AWAKE Celestial Rock Training Ground
↪ 4.8 AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Baek Gong’s Flute
↪ 4.9 AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Chun Gong’s Sword
↪ 4.10 AWAKE Extra Training
↪ 4.11 AWAKE Rock-Paper-Scissors Season 1
↪ 4.12 AWAKE Bingo Season 1
↪ 4.13 AWAKE Treasure Box
5. Sunday Maple
Zen Free Job Transfer Event
A*Nice* Free job change~
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~
Requirement: 4th Job & Above Zen Characters
How to Start: Click on the [Zen] A special opportunity given only to Zen characters! Quest via the Star Notifier

A Zen-pecial opportunity has arrived! Enjoy a free job change and other goodies if you decide to participate in this free job transfer event!
➢ Viper
➢ Cannon Master
➢ Only Fafnir, Absolabs & Arcaneshade primary weapons will be converted
➢ Only 4th Job, Princess Nou, Kuro/Black & Maple Treasure secondary weapons will be converted
➢ Emblems will be changed to the Golden Maple Leaf Emblem
➢ Any potential/spell traced stats will be transferred to the new weapon
➢ Bonus stats will be converted and changed to the respective jobs
➢ Tradability of the original item will be retained
➢ If the character is above level 200, they will receive a Typhoon Growth Potion (Untradable & 7 day expiry)
➢ All players who participated will be able to receive 20 Suspicious Cubes & 3 Crimson Resurrection Flame Coupons (Both Untradable & 7 day expiry)
➢ All players who successfully job transfered will also receive a Name Change Coupon (Untradable & 7 day expiry)
Update as of 18th November 2020:
As per the 18th November minor patch, additional changes were made to the event:

Union Arena
Who's Next?

Champion! Come forth and take your trophy! Who knows? There may be a worthy opponent and your battle will be legendary!
Find out more about the event in Union Arena Highlight Notes (v199)!
AWAKE Tera Burning+ Season 1
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 15th December 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly Created Characters during the event period (Level 10 and above)
How to Start: Create a new character and click on the ‹Tera Burning› Project! Get a Gift! Quest via the Star Notifier

UP TO LEVEL 200! 1+2!! Time to AWAKEN your true potential… with a fresh start~! Newly created characters will be able to enjoy a Tera Burning effects with additional rewards after level 200!
➢ Zero
➢ Lv. 30 Equipment Box
➢ Legendary Secret Box
➢ Limited-time Root Abyss
➢ Eternal Flame Title Exchange Coupon
➢ Level 205: Core Gemstone x20 & EXP Core Gemstone x2
➢ Level 210: Core Gemstone x50 & EXP Core Gemstone x3
AWAKE Mountain
It’s time...
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest (Note: Zen characters cannot participate in this event)
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] AWAKE Time via the Star Notifier Icon

AWAKE Maplers! It’s time to pack up for the secretive AWAKE Mountain! Master your spirit alongside the pandas of Mu Lung and unleash your potential!
AWAKE Energy & Coins

AWAKE Secret Textbook
The secret to spiritual mastery is… wait why is this empty?
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time starting quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] AWAKE Secret Textbook via the Star Notifier Icon or NPC Mu Gong

Want to be a master of your spirit? Then pick up your textbooks and listen up! Anything you can learn about it is in those pages!
↪ Introduction - 11th November 2020, After Patch
↪ Chapter 1 - 18th November 2020, 0000hrs
↪ Chapter 2 - 25th November 2020, 0000hrs
↪ Chapter 3 - 2nd December 2020, 0000hrs
➢ Chun Gong’s Secret Textbook
↪ Introduction - 9th December 2020, 0000hrs
↪ Chapter 1 - 16th December 2020, 0000hrs
↪ Chapter 2 - 23rd December 2020, 0000hrs
↪ Chapter 3 - 30th December 2020, 0000hrs
➢ Man Gong’s Secret Textbook
↪ Introduction - 6th January 2021, 0000hrs
↪ Finale - 13th January 2021, 0000hrs
➢ Players may only contribute once per day per world
➢ With the exception of Baek Gong’s Introduction, all other chapters will require at least 5 contributions to be completed
➢ Upon Completion of Chun Gong’s Secret Textbook <Introduction>, this will be increased to 2 Bamboo Shoots per contribution
➢ Upon Completion of Man Gong’s Secret Textbook <Introduction>, this will be increased to 3 Bamboo Shoots per contribution
Chapter Rewards
Upon completing the chapter, players may receive a variety of rewards depending on the chapter completed~↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Obtained Cash Items are permanent
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Gives 1 level for level 200~209
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Gives 1 level for level 200~219
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Gives 1 level for level 200~229
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Obtained Ring is permanent
↪ Can only be enhanced using Exclusive Scrolls
↪ One of a kind
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Can only be used for AWAKE Ring
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Can only be used for AWAKE Ring
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Can only be used for AWAKE Ring
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Inter-account Only
↪ Gives 1 level for level 200~239
↪ 10 Day Expiry
↪ Untradable
↪ Can only be used on untradable equipment level 160 or lower
Upon completing all the chapters, players will be able to receive The One who has Awakened title~

AWAKE Free Training Ground
Ah the sacred training grounds… I can train in pea… HEY YOU WITH THE CAMERA! STOP!
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest and have either of the Training Chairs from the AWAKE Decorative Shop
How to Start: Enter the left most portal in AWAKE Mountain

The secret to success… is practice! Or training in this case.. Anyhow, put on your training robes and stand your ground as your train both body and mind to be the one who AWAKEN!
AWAKE Coin Shop
Woo~ Coin shops!... Wait there’s more of you?
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 24th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest and completed textbook chapters
How to Start: Talk to NPC Baek Gong, Chun Gong or Man Gong

What’s better than 1 coin shop? 3 coin shops! The ancestors smile upon us!
➢ Chun Gong’s Coin Shop - Chun Gong’s Secret Text Book <Introduction>
➢ Man Gong’s Coin Shop - Man Gong’s Secret Text Book <Introduction>
AWAKE Decorative Shop
Time to decorate the mountain… Why do I feel cold all of a sudden?
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 24th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Talk to NPC Lilishu

Decorate everything! Collect ‘dem coupons and trade in for fancy and rare goodies!

AWAKE Meso Shop
Burning Mesos for our ancestors~!
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 24th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest and completed textbook chapters
How to Start: Talk to NPC Mr. Gold or Chun Hee

Ran out of AWAKE Coins? Fret not! Use mesos instead in the AWAKE Meso Shop!
➢ Chun Hee’s Meso Shop - Man Gong’s Secret Text Book <Introduction>

AWAKE Bamboo Shop
Burning Mesos for our ancestors~!
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 24th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Talk to NPC Mr. Do

Bamboo is both good for building and training.. So what is Mr. Do gonna use it for? Food of course!
AWAKE Celestial Rock Training Ground
Punch the rocks!
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] Celestial Rock Training Ground via the Star Notifier Icon or via NPC No Gong

Train your fists! By punching rocks! In a battle of attrition and witts, defeat the rocks and come out on top as a master~!
➢ Upon defeating all dummies within the stage, the next stage will begin
➢ With each passing stage, the difficulty will increase
➢ For Example: If Character A received 100 coins, Character B can only receive up to 50 coins regardless if the score reached can give more than 50 coins
AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Baek Gong’s Flute
Melody of training~
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (After Patch) ~ 8th December 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] Celestial Treasure: Baek Gong's Flute via the Star Notifier Icon or via NPC No Gong

For one to be the master of mind over body… one must first be the master of the flute!
➢ The flute effect will end when the 30 seconds are up or when 10 Sound Energy is collected
➢ At level 2, players will be able to collect 15 Sound Energy instead of 10 when the skill energy is activated
AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Chun Gong's Sword
Swing the sword yo~!
Event Duration: 9th December 2020, 1000hrs ~ 5th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] Celestial Treasure: Chun Gong's Sword via the Star Notifier Icon or via NPC No Gong

The spirit of the sword calls for you! Prepare to be awakened with the secret techniques of the sword from the celestial plane!
➢ After the sword slashes, 30 AWAKE Coins will be dropped
➢ At level 2, Chun Gong’s Sword Dance will drop 60 AWAKE Coins instead of 30
AWAKE Extra Training
You need extra credit...
Event Duration: 9th December 2020, 1000hrs ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest & have not completed Chun Gong's Secret Textbook <Introduction>
How to Start: Accept starting quest [AWAKE] Extra <AWAKE Secret Textbook> Training via the Star Notifier Icon or via NPC Mu Gong

Need help catching up? Mu Gong is willing to provide extra training for those who are behind!
➢ Contributing through extra training will not credit any Bamboo Shoots
AWAKE Rock-Paper-Scissors Season 1
Rock beats Scissors!
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, After Patch ~ 24th November 2020, 2345hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
Invitation Period: Every 15th & 45th Minute of every hour between 1200hrs ~ 2345hrs
How to Start: Accept invitation pop-up above the characters head

➢ 2nd level: 800 AWAKE Energy
➢ 3rd level: 1,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 4th level: 1.200 AWAKE Energy
➢ 5th level: 1,500 AWAKE Energy
➢ 6th level: 2,000 AWAKE Energy
AWAKE Bingo Season 1
Celestial numbers~ Let’s go!
Event Duration: 25th November 2020, 1200hrs ~ 8th December 2020, 2345hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
Invitation Period: Every 15th & 45th Minute of every hour between 1200hrs ~ 2345hrs
How to Start: Accept invitation pop-up above the characters head

➢ 2nd Place: 8,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 3rd Place: 7,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 4th Place: 6,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 5th Place: 5,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 6th ~ 10th Place: 4,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 11th ~ 20th Place: 3,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 21st ~ 30th Place: 2,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ Unranked: 500 AWAKE Energy
AWAKE Treasure Box
Curious aren’t you?
Event Duration: 9th December 2020, 1200hrs ~ 22nd December 2020, 2345hrs
Requirement: Accepted [AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
Invitation Period: Every 15th & 45th Minute of every hour between 1200hrs ~ 2345hrs
How to Start: Accept invitation pop-up above the characters head

➢ △ = Number is correct but in the wrong position
➢ X = Neither the number nor the position is correct
➢ 2nd Place: 8,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 3rd Place: 7,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 4th Place: 6,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 5th Place: 5,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 6th ~ 10th Place: 4,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 11th ~ 20th Place: 3,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ 21st ~ 30th Place: 2,000 AWAKE Energy
➢ Unranked: 500 AWAKE Energy
Sunday Maple
AWAKEN Sunday~