
07 Feb 2023

[Gachapon Update 080223] Shooting Star Sparkles!

Sparkly Oriental Damage Skins!


  • All Damage Skins are tradeable with the exception of Damage Skin - Cherry Blossoms. (Updated 8 Feb, 1042hrs)

    Hoppin' Springy Mounts!


  • Izuna Mount, Kurama Mount, Sandwiched in a Burger Mount consist of 90 days and Permanent version.
  • Small Rabbit Mount and Rabbit Rickshaw Mount has duration of 90 days.
  • Golden Dragon Mount and Flower Breeze Mount are Permanent.

  • 12★ 15★ 17★, which ★ will it be?


    (Rewards listed above show only a partial selection of obtainable items)

    Gachapon Ticket Piece Update

    3D Drawing in a 2D game!


    Note: Jumping Frog Chair and Damage Skin - 3D Drawing is tradeable.

    GENTLE REMINDER : We would like to remind all players to trade items with the appropriate in-game Trade or Cash Trade function, instead of using alternative methods that are not intended for in-game item trading, such as drop trading.