
04 Aug 2022

Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage Stamp Issue on 3rd August 2022

Dear Maplers,

An issue where some Maplers were unable to obtain the daily stamp from Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage due to an error on 3rd August 2022 has been corrected. Affected Maplers may receive 3,000 Maple Points from the Reward Box on the left side of the screen to utilize for Golden Pass, and this can be collected from now until 7th August 2022, 1645hrs (GMT+8).

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Maplers for bringing this to our attention and reporting any in-game issues promptly via iBox and/or LiveChat.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.

Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

- MapleSEA Administrator