17 Nov 2023
[Completed] Urgent Minor Patch on 17th November 2023
[Update as of 17th November 2023, 1617hrs (GMT +8)]
The Minor Patch has been concluded and all channels are fully accessible as of 1617hrs (GMT+8)
A Minor Patch has been included today which will update your game clients to v227.2.

You may obtain the Minor Patch file
Upon downloading the .exe file, paste and overwrite it into your existing MapleStorySEA game client folder.
Fixed Issues
Burning World - Auction House and Monster Life services has resumed.
Identisk Expedition - Iden's Aqua Adventure matchmaking system is now ready.
Text error of NPC dialogues in NEW AGE Zero to One Hundred event has been fixed.
An error where certain users inventory slot started at 24 instead of 48 has been fixed.
An error where Root Abyss icon is misaligned on Dimension Mirror NPC has been fixed.
An error where the Maple Guide recommended hunting ground for Cernium (Before) did not match the respective hunting fields has been fixed.
An error where the one-time Gachapon Ticket (500 Cash) purchase limit was not reset has been fixed.
An error where you cannot interact with NPCs correctly on 1920x1080 resolutions and above has been fixed.
An error where Akechi Mitsuhide (Normal) and Divine King Slime (Chaos) Skill Ring Box rewards were not displayed on the Maple Guide has been fixed.
An error where the NEW AGE Effect Coupon from the NEW AGE Prelude event could not be used has been fixed.
An error where the Sol Erda Booster unintendedly allowed the redemption of more than 1 rewards in a single day has been fixed. Certain users progress for the Sol Erda Booster has been adjusted accordingly to the maximum of the 3rd Day. For clarity, rewards that were previously claimed will be maintained.
An error where Bowmaster's Hurricane VI damage % information was missing on the skill information has been fixed.
Happy Mapling!
Dear Maplers,
Please be informed that there will be a Urgent Minor Patch on 17th November 2023 from 1300hrs to 1630hrs (GMT +8).
Game services for all worlds will not be available during the stipulated timing. Kindly log out before this period of time to avoid disruptions to your gameplay.
We apologize for the short notice and inconvenience caused.
- MapleSEA Administrator