
19 Nov 2015

Refine Your Stats With The Selection Miracle Cube


Don't you wish that you could have some control over the stats that you get from cubing? The Selection Miracle Cube is unlike any other cubes - aside from skipping Tiers when upgrading, you can also refine your stats choice better!

A Quick How-to Guide on Using the Selection Miracle Cube

1) Select the item that you wish to reset your potential (only available for main and secondary weapon categories)


2) Check the available potentials from the Option List. This List is also available when you use a Selection Miracle Cube


3) Re-update the available potentials until a desirable selection appears, with either one of the following methods

» Auto-refresh every 20 minutes
» Use the Selection Miracle Cube Stone to instantly refresh once (resets countdown timer back to 20minutes)


4) Click on "OK" to proceed


Things to Note

• Item potential tier is determined by the first line of potential obtained
• With the above in mind, your item may have its potential tier upgraded or downgraded, depending on the outcome
• Other 2 lines of potentials will be randomly selected from the Option List