
22 May 2011

Premium Miracle Cube and New Equipments from Gachapon

Dear Maplers,

Miracle Cube has caused a storm when it was launch together with Potential System during November/December 2011!
What can be better than a miracle? Only a miracle that offers multiple miracles can top it!

image Introducing Premium Miracle Cube! image

It works the same way as a regular Miracle Cube but with added features and advantages!

25% increase in chance to upgrade your equipment to the next equipment rank! (From Rare to Epic to Unique!)
• A chance to add bonus potential attributes! (From 2 to Maximum 3 potential attributes!)



So get to the Cash Shop, get your miracle, and make your gear the best it can be!

New Source Series Equipments with Gachapon!

Available at all Gachapon Stations NOW!


At the same time, Collect all 9 different chocolates when you use a gachapon ticket from 18th May – 15th June 2011! and you will get to summon Pink Bean anytime at major towns!

You can obtain one of the nine Special Chocolate or Melted Chocolate by using Gachapon Ticket at any Gachapon Machine. Chocolate or Melted Chocolate will be provided complimentary on a random basis after each use of Gachapon Ticket.

If you have collected 9 melted chocolates, head down to find NPC Naomi to exchange it for a random chocolate.

Please click HERE for more information on Pink Bean Gachapon!

– MapleSEA Administrator