
23 Nov 2011

[Update] Minor Patch from v1.12 to v1.12.2

Dear Maplers,

Pleased to inform that you are require to patch your current v1.12 Ice Knight Game Client to v1.12.2.

The correct Game Client version should be v1.12.2.

Maplers who had successfully patched their game client to v1.12 previously before 23th November 2011, 2217hrs ( +8GMT) , you are require to overwrite your existing MapleStory.exe with a new MapleStory.exe.

The existing MapleStory.exe can be located in your MapleStory’s folder.

Here’s a short guide on what you should do to patch your current v1.12 Ice Knight Game Client to v1.12.2.

1. Copy the ZIP File into your MapleStory folder you have downloaded it.
2. Delete or cut the existing Maplestory.exe to another location as backup. (Ensure that there isn’t any other MapleStory.exe in the MapleStory folder)
3. Extract the zip file with V1.10.2 MapleStory.exe into your existing MapleSEA game folder.
4. To ensure that you have successfully patch to V1.10.2, check the version on the top right when selecting Gateway.

Alternate Minor Patch Mirror Link

[Ziddu] Minor Patch Mirror v1.12.2

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

– Maple Administrator