
07 Jul 2021

Burning Horizons - Tera Burning+ Event Winners

Dear Maplers!

The fire burns brightly over the horizon as our triumphant winners of the Tera Burning+ event "Burning Horizons" can now settle in with the event having come to a conclusion.

The list of victors can be found below!


0Dual0 22PathOne a9dKAISERd4a AaahGirl AcidAce
AmatsukaRie Anem0s AqlTqlSoulM AquaGoddess arkestark
Ashbriinger Ashiro AurelionS AxSpirit BcKns
BlastingJS bloodSOUL Blxde BobaPanda breaddogdal
brrrningoynx CaptainJiJi caropp ChaosDawn12 Cheishi
CreamBruiee daddyKsean Damon2021 ddaegi DenkiKnight
DivineSshark Dohkie DuaIBIadez DUALOLee Eisekai
EntangIed FadedVulpes FoodDB Foxero25 Glades
GreenTeaBECH Grindeiwaid HakusTheName HoldMyWenWen HoYoungbich
HoYoungl3eaR HthegumO IceHoengBan iHeronyx iKayaChaota
iLuvThunder Iselia IsMageu iUnder16 Jocillium
JwayBishop Kanw KayaKaya Kebbiu KEdualblade
Koronemaru LegoCub3s LightFlavour LitBusterz LnfernoArk
LukeKili MajorLi039 Mavroles MeanderJB Meno
Michiyo micr0b00m Milolo MythraKnight nephophobia
NifBattleM nilnil OmiArkk PandaBobaa PathHater
PersonaFive phaladyn Placenta Qihyo Romi
rumirumi rurusama9 SazazaryHeal ScalpeI Secrea
shadel ShinyMule19 SlapYourX Sleepover SoILunaFarto
SOULKILLER SoyPutaMadre StephNoWind TheHOHOYoung THoYoung
Tiasha Tonnitruss Top500Pls Tricked Utsumi
veryblackV2 Vign WrongForm xArcadias xBlackShaman
xDawnxKen xKopiBeans YamiNoKishi YoLoTeraBurn yyzDB
Zanii ZenChibiHero Zu12


421SAR Aishy AngelicJey Arew asperagus
AstraHero BangGaLaMtfk BattleMAHBB CadenaYii CandiesNHero
CvntsFinder DawnEos Doubted DSDiDiz DwarfBibi
EggWife ElainaNoTabi Emylce EndlessGinaP GraceKai
Halex35 ImposterBing Kaelroth Khara KyettreTora
Laku Letholdius Michielll NoetherTrm OwlXon
PinkHitam PolyMatic Qannaa ShirEunWol SilvXWombat
Slushy SoulMsterEXP Suityan Tasatsu TeraBurnX3
Teramiisu xDinoooooooo xUnDead YuShadow zhucchini


3rdXenonmule AbysXception ALotArrows AndouHayato BryDB
CannonUrM0M Chanteraise CottageLife DiscoSlay DragonBBxX
Ensia iFuzeTony IreanaQ Izumichaan K0h4ku
KekerJinny LalaBiuBiu Mahro03 MarshM3lloVV Mokoberri
NightMareEun PolarCZH53 RekiPath rloIdl SatkiSpawn
Sc4rletWitch ShaddyMeMeDa Tsukihatsumi Widsith WindyStock
WoshiJokerZ XSoSoul xTacoBae3


ABCRAMule alecto AlexLPF Aoyu ArkDomino
ArkSkrrr AvengerBell BagaDeke BasJurnGews BlazePenguin
BoysAndToys DeIe Deina ElvenDeeBee EudoraCute
EuphoriaPAL F4rk FanUrBaIls Giadiia Hayasaka
HuoChamDu iixGvmeWings Illiumcasa Koshinami KuritoDameji
LoLisKish LumiPeace MiloHeros MisoyaKanna Moskitto
MrP0rkyy Nanidele NashyNatsu Nezukoe NightW21
PotatoBust3r PreciousArk RevoBot SelimIsPride Skyrise
SpiritS0uiz TokyoBanana TokyoNeechan weilim453 x3KuroFinder
x3Strea xHamoorebii xNuadan ZappyIce44 zZLaoSJZz


Congratulations once again to everyone who have taken part and overcome all obstacles in reaching your goal!

Your mystery prize is still in the making, and we promise that you will not be disappointed. Stay tuned for email updates!

- MapleSEA Administrator