
29 Jan 2009

The Legendary Necklace " Mind Of Maple"

Dear Maplers,

Ever wonder what "Mind of Maple" Necklace is? t is a Legendary Necklace that has +1 to STR, DEX, INT and LUK.

How can "Mind of Maple" Necklace be achieved? Here is what you can do to get one!

1. Visit Tian Jiang in Henesys.

2. Tian Jiang will advice you to hunt "Maple Necklace Chain" and talk to Chief Stan to attain "Piece of Mind of Maple".

 Maple Necklace Chain Piece of Mind of Maple

3. You will need to gather the following for Chief Stan to get the "Piece of Mind of Maple".

 Piece of Wisdom x 20
Piece of Freedom x 20
 Piece of Courage  x 20 
 Piece of Accuracy  x 20
 Piece of Dexterity x 20 

4. After getting the pieces required by Chief Stan, you will received Piece of Mind Of Maple 1.

5. Talk to Tian Jiang, he will award you with "Mind of the Maple Necklace" & "Mind of Necklace Pendant".

 Mind of Maple Necklace    Maple Necklace Pendant

6. With the Necklace and Pendant, talk to Tian Jiang again and participate in the awakening ritual of Mind of Maple.

7. After participating in the awakening ritual of Mind of Maple, you will receive a Mind of Maple Necklace and Mind of Maple !

 Mind of Maple Necklace   Mind of Maple 

8. To further Upgrade your Maple Necklace, you have to get "Maple Necklace Gem" from the Gachapons Machine from Ellinia.

 Maple Necklace Gem

9. A total of 3 "Maple Necklace Gem"  is required to form the "Restored Mind of Maple Necklace".


* A Restored Mind of Maple Necklace has a +7 to STR, DEX, INT and LUK with an additional of random statistic.
* Please note that Mind of Maple Necklace, Sealed Mind of Maple and Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace have a validity of 30 Days.


- MapleSEA Administrator