
18 Sep 2013

Reset potential stats safely with the Memorial Cube!

Dear Maplers,

One of the questions that always comes to mind when using Miracle Cubes is “I wonder what potential stats will the item have after resetting?”

With the all-new Memorial Cube , that question is answered! While using the Memorial Cube , players will be granted with limited time powers and will be able to see the potential stats that they are going to get!


What’s most important is: The choice is up to the player if he/she wants to use the new stats , or to keep their original potential stats!

How to use the Memorial Cube:

1) After purchasing the Memorial Cube from the Cash Shop and placing it in your character’s inventory , double click on the item.


2) Upon double-clicking the item , your mouse cursor will change into a Cube cursor and you will be brought automatically to the Equipment page of your inventory. You may cancel this action by clicking on any black spaces in your inventory , or switching to another tab (Use,Etc,Set-up,Cash) and your mouse cursor will revert back to normal.


3) With the Cube cursor , click once again on the item and a prompt will appear to confirm that you wish to use the cube on the selected item.



4) After confirmation , you will see your new potential stats along with your original stats! You can also mouse over the stats to view the full description if needed.
*Cube will be consumed at this point and 1 Memorial Cube fragment will be given.

image image

5) Finally , click on the potentials that you wish to keep and a confirmation popup will appear.



Points to take note of when using the Memorial Cube:
  • Take extra caution after double clicking the Memorial Cube in your Cash inventory as no reimbursement will be made for cubes used on the wrong item. (Refer to steps 2 and 3 when in doubt)

  • Memorial Cube will not downgrade an item rank, but will have a chance to raise the item rank. (Maximum of Legendary rank, similar to Super Miracle Cube)

  • Memorial Cube cannot be used for Additional Potential stats.

  • Memorial Cube will not increase the amount of potential lines on the item.

    -MapleSEA Administrator