
30 Dec 2016

MapleSEA: Towards 2017!

Dear Maplers,

It has been a long and pretty hectic journey for MapleStorySEA in 2016. Beginning the journey with RISE, and then moving forward with Accelerate, followed by becoming a Hero of Maple, and finally ending the year with the Vth job. It definitely has been one hell of a ride for us here, and we are really glad to have received so much awesome support from all our players, whether you have been playing throughout the year, or coming back to the game after a long hiatus.

The journey has been rather bumpy with ups and downs along the way, but we really appreciate all the generous support and feedback that you have given us so as to further improve the gameplay and service. We really hope that you have enjoyed 2016 with us, whether its through in-game or the many outdoor events; big and small ones. Lastly of course, we would like to seek forgiveness for all the inconveniences that we have caused. Both man and machine come with flaws, and we thank you for all your patience and understanding while we ironed out the problems and issues as best as we can.

We promise to be constantly improving our gameplay and level of service to you as we spearhead into 2017, promising you with more fun contents and updates.

Thank you Maplers! For without you, there is no MapleStorySEA.

With that, here's a couple of events ushering you into 2017!:

Server Timed
EXP/Drop Events


Cash Shop
Special Sales
