
25 Mar 2014

Get intimate with RED!

Dear Maplers,

Have you always wanted to be part of MapleSEA in a more intimate way?

Now it is your chance to do so and make a difference. We’re looking for a bunch of volunteers to help us go through and bug test the RED patch.

So how do you be part of this exciting episode? Check out the easy steps and dates below.

Step 1: Fill up your details at HERE by 31st March 2359hrs (GMT +8).
Step 2: On 1st April, our team will pick out the bunch of volunteers.
Step 3: On 2nd April, an email will be sent out to the selected volunteers with the necessary details, instructions and communication process.

We’re expecting the RED test server to be ready somewhere between 22nd to 24th April 2014.

Cheers! And get ready to rock!

-MapleSEA Administrator