
15 Apr 2016

Abuse/Exploit of NPC Functions

The recent duping exploit which involved NPC Fredrick was fixed on 12th April.

If you suspect or are aware of any further exploits or exploiters, please report via iBox to assist with our investigations.

Many players were suspended or tradeblocked for suspicious activities, and our teams have been following up closely with their investigations. During this period of time, some players may be experiencing a temporary ban or tradeblock status as we perform the necessary verifications and checks. Affected accounts that have been proven innocent have already been released as accordingly. More accounts are expected to be released as we continue on with the investigations.

Till date, we are still working our best with Nexon to contain the effects of these exploits and prevent the issue from growing rampant further.

We understand that this is definitely a difficult period of time for Maplers, however we look to your understanding and cooperation in this issue.

- MapleSEA Administrator