
16 May 2024

Immediate Action Against Multiple Account Registrations

Dear Maplers,

It has come to our attention that some players have been registering and using multiple accounts, which violates our Terms and Conditions of Use and Abuse Policies. To ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all, we are implementing stricter measures effective immediately.

What this means:

Single Account Rule: Each player is allowed to register and create only one MapleStorySEA Passport account (formerly known as Asiasoft Passport account), as per our Terms of Use.

Account Suspension: Any player detected registering and using multiple accounts will have all associated accounts suspended.

Farming Mules and Bots: Players found to be operating farming mules or bots will be banned in accordance with our abuse policies.

While we cannot disclose the specific methods we use to detect the usage of multiple accounts, rest assured that our detection system is designed to uphold fairness and integrity within our MapleStorySEA community. Attempts to circumvent these measures will result in immediate action as outlined above.

Appeal Process:
If you believe your account has been wrongly banned, you will have the opportunity to submit an iBox Ticket for review. However, if our investigation confirms that you were using multiple accounts, you will only be allowed to request the reinstatement of one account.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a level playing field for all Maplers. Thank you for your continued support.

- MapleStorySEA Administrator