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News & Events

Reimbursement of 2X EXP on 18/04 & 19/04 | 14.04

Dear Maplers,

Due to the technical errors in the system, the 2x EXP event held on the 11th and 12th April 2009 was not activiated. Therefore, we will be scheduling a reimbursement during the following date and timeslots:

2x EXP Event on 18th and 19th April 2009
1st Session From 1100HRS to 1200HRS (+8 GMT)
2nd Session From 1400HRS to 1500HRS (+8 GMT)
3rd Session From 1700HRS to 1800HRS (+8 GMT)
4th Session From 2000HRS to 2100HRS (+8 GMT)

Look Out for the Time Slot on 2X EXP! Enjoy Mapling~!!!

- MapleSEA Administrator

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