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News & Events

PIKOM Digital Lifestyle Expo 2010 | 06.12

Dear Maplers,

There will be a Dual Blade event held at the PIKOM Digital Lifestyle Expo 2010 at the KL Convention Center, starting from the 10th of December! Head on down to play the Dual Match to win cool prizes, try out a high leveled Dual Blade character to feel just how powerful they are, or collect the DVD client in case you don’t have one already.

Event Details

Venue: Booth 104B, PIKOM Digital Lifestyle Expo 2010, KL Convention Center, Hall 1
Date: 10th – 12th December 2010
Time: 1100 – 2100 hrs

Dual Match Details

How good is your memory? Come and test it out, as well as win cool prizes while doing so! To take part, you must have a Maple account, or sign up for one.

The game is simple, all you have to do is match 3 pairs of characters with as little amount of tries as possible (a maximum of 3)! Depending on the number of tries, you can win a Dual Blade notepad, a funky MapleSEA pen, L folder or an Aran mousepad!

So come on down and check us out at Booth 104B!

-MapleSEA Administrator

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