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News & Events

HackShield Disconnection Issue | 11.08

Dear Maplers,

Players who have experienced disconnection issue due to this error code (while fighting in Zakum, Horn Tail, Scarlion, Mu Lung Training Centre OR you are using Microsoft Vista), kindly follow the instructions listed below.


This report can actually help us in identifying the root of the problem.

Ahnlab has provided us a tool in finding the source of the HackShield related error.

Please download the tools from
1. Go to Support> Technical Support>Download AhnReport.

Here are the steps on how to get the report.

1. Unzip the AhnReport file in your PC.

2. Run game client. Once you get DC-ed during the fight. (Client Closed)

3. Run AhnReport.

4. Send report file to us at (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

*Please use appropriate subject titles for your mail accordingly.

For e.g. if you get the error code while fighting Zakum, the subject title should be Hack Shield Disconnection Issue (Zakum),

If you get the error code and you are using Vista, please use the subject title as Hack Shield Disconnection Issue (Vista).

We hope to solve this problem asap so that all Maplers can enjoy their boss fighting.

- MapleSEA Administrator

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